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How to log familiarization?

Under EASA that shouldn’t happen…it’s not a german license it’s an EASA license issued (“printed”) by the german authority valid for equal privileges in all EASA/EU/EEA states.

Differences training needs to be logged by receiver of training and signed by instructor (remarks section “diff trng easa fcl 710 vp/efis etc.. performed”).

always learning
LO__, Austria

Yes but thankfully the LBA rule is only binding for licenses issued by them. I just wanted to make clear, that if you have a Swiss license BAZL could make its own rules, if they are unhappy with the standard AMC.


Thanks for your input! The LBA source is very clear. @Balliol that’s a good point probably the FI will take over.


If it’s with me, I’ll make it clear it’s an instruction flight and that I’m PIC. you’ll log PUT. Any reason you wouldn’t want to log PIC?

If I fly with a friend who just wants some advice (like I did recently for someone one of of his club planes, he wanted to learn how to do london CTR transits), then I’ll make it very clear that they’re PIC and making all the decisions, and that I’ll only give promted advice.

While I absolutely agree, what all of you are saying, there is a provision in FCL.050:

The pilot shall keep a reliable record of the details of all flights flown in a form and manner established by the competent authority.

The German LBA for example published the following NfL: local copy and it says in 4.2.1:

Darüberhinaus – einer Person in ihrer Funktion als Lehrberechtigter oder Prüfer ein sonstiger (Übungs-) Flug (z.B. interner Vereins-Checkflug, vorgenommen wird. Hierbei ist der Lehrberechtigte oder der Prüfer PIC.
Diese Flugzeit ist keine PIC-Zeit für den Bewerber bzw. Inhaber der Lizenz oder Berechtigung, sie zählt jedoch zur Gesamtflugzeit.

That means whenever a FI or FE is doing any sort of training or checkflight outside of FCL (e.g. for a flying club checkout), this reg says the FI/FE is PIC for logging purposes.


There is no formal need for it to be a ‘dual’ flight – It is up to the instructor and pilot who is nominated as PIC for the flight. That agreement needs to be clear before flight, as whoever is PIC will be legally responsible as aircraft commander. Personally in these kind of situations, if I am acting in any kind of instructional capacity, I will always insist on being PIC as to do otherwise just raises stacks of cross cockpit gradient and potential human factors issues.

Just think of a few scenarios – if you infringed or had an engine failure on takeoff, who is going to take the rap or take control?

Now retired from forums best wishes

@AeroPlus I’ve had the instructor sign my logbook entry for a familiarization flight in the past. However, we were both not 100% sure that the time can be logged with myself as PIC, but from the linked document I assume that is the case for familiarization but not for difference training.


As far as I know, under EASA the familiarization training could be recorded in your logbook. The CAA is not keeping track and no form has to be filled in and submitted to the CAA. You fly with an instructor a bit or even do a theory session. The instructor is happy, the insurance company is happy with you flying the aircraft and you should be good to go. You could ask the instructor to sign a logbook entry. Maybe someone else that is involved in actual training/instruction could elaborate and confirm.

EDLE, Netherlands

Hi @all,

I’m about to take a familiarization flight with a flight instructor and want to know how to log the flight correctly (EASA). The airplane is a variant within the SEP class rating which according to here for me does not require a difference training (since I already received difference training in the appropriate variants as listed under 2.1 on the first page, relevant paragraph under 2.4). So if I understand this correctly in theory I could just jump in the airplane and fly, obviously I don’t want to do that, but that means I can log the time as PIC. In contrast if I would do a difference training with a flight instructor I cannot be PIC?


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