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Visit to Juist (EDWJ)


EHTE, Netherlands

Patrick wrote:

Although these days she often asks “When can we fly in a real airplane again, like Eurowings?”

If you don’t have any enemies get children. I was asked the same question by my daughter after one of our flights. When I asked her what she meant by real airplane she answered: Like a real plane flown by real pilots!

EDQH, Germany

Peter_G wrote:

Most of the fields have many bikes available – but they quickly go at peak times

As is the case with Juist, but I just wanted to try these e-scooters for fun

EHTE, Netherlands
Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter writes:

I can’t find the AIP online but this database report says there is no customs/immigration.

Both Borkum EDWR and Norderney EDWY (either side of Juist) can sometimes arrange Customs – so making it a direct flight from U.K. Give them a call – the Towers on all the Islands are very helpful including in finding accommodation etc for one.

Bono writes:

This was the first time I brought my NineBot e-step scooter,

Most of the fields have many bikes available – but they quickly go at peak times

Last Edited by Peter_G at 13 Dec 09:53
Rochester, UK, United Kingdom

I was too late to add photo’s, but I guess the video tells the story just the same! I love the Frisian isles each has it’s own vibe, it is like @Peter_G says like you are a 1000 miles away in just one hour. A lot of fun, and flying over the shallow Waddensea is amazing, especially with the light that comes with this time of year. @Peter, you could do a stopover at Eelde/Groningen (EHGG) and continue after that. Let me know if you do? This was the first time I brought my NineBot e-step scooter, I initially had planned to take two, but they proved to be a bit large to fit. Even one was a bit of a hassle. We went to Lütje Teehuus in the village, very nice and typical with a lovely fireplace. A good spot to wait out the rain.

Happy times!

Ju(i)st beautiful!

Last Edited by Bobo at 13 Dec 09:35
EHTE, Netherlands

Thank you for the report.

I can’t find the AIP online but this database report says there is no customs/immigration. Otherwise I would definitely try to pop over; it looks really nice

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I brought some snacks for Julie (8 yo) and she enjoyed the view and her iPad.

They say you can judge a good flight by the attitude of the passengers.
It is clear, from the wonderful video, that Julie – who was relaxed throughout – thoroughly appeared to have enjoyed the trip.
It brought back memories of when I led a Fly-Out from Rochester (‘ Riddle of the Sands ’ tour) to all the Friesian Islands, including Juist.
At every island we were made very welcome.
I remember saying: “By Direct flight, the Friesian Islands are actually the closest part of Germany to the U.K.; although by their enjoyable atmosphere and isolation you would feel you were 1000 miles away.”

Last Edited by Peter_G at 12 Dec 16:58
Rochester, UK, United Kingdom

Agreed – nice video!

Juist was the first of the Frisian islands I attempted to land at when I was a freshly baked PPL holder. I aborted that at the time because I felt I was not up to the crosswind that day and flew to Borkum instead, which has a slightly more “flexible” runway system.

Still love Juist from the many successful visits afterwards.

Also, next time you come to the islands, let us know. Throwing in another probably similarly aged girl here who generally likes to fly along and we aren’t far from the islands. Although these days she often asks “When can we fly in a real airplane again, like Eurowings?”


Last Edited by Patrick at 12 Dec 12:58
Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

Mooi video

Seems like a unique place to visit. I’ll have to add it to my list!

EHRD, Netherlands
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