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Deauville LFRG - where to park?

They sent me the form as a .doc attachment. Some fields were however impossible to fill in (bad form design AFAICT) so I printed it off, completed it by hand, photographed it with my phone to a jpeg, and emailed them the jpeg. They were happy. Replies take a few hours.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I sent an email saying that I was going on Saturday and needed customs, asking what they needed from me beyond the arrival/departure times and their reply attached the form. I don’t know what they actually do with the passengers’ passport information in advance – they obviously still scan the passports at the time of arrival/departure – and clearly this is not required everywhere (e.g. Le Touquet, even though the AIP asks for a “customs request” by email, this requirement is not enforced).

EGTF, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Some fields were however impossible to fill in (bad form design AFAICT)

I think I had to change the squares next to “Arrival” or “Departure” to a check mark instead of the Wingdings square that was there, but otherwise it was fine to complete on MS Word. I sent back PDFs.

EGTF, United Kingdom

Yes; I saw those squares too. You and I have more IT expertise than the French police, but I still found it quicker to just hand-write it

So much job creation / job protection going on…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Please let me know if anyone is there this weekend and fancies a free coffee/croissant.

EGSU, United Kingdom

Be aware – it took me 75 min to fly here, but already 90m waiting for a taxi. Book in advance! I’m so naive.

EGSU, United Kingdom

One very useful thing with Deauville is the blue gate. Basically you can land out of hours and let yourself out. Just be aware there is no way back in except through the terminal. They always ask me to park on the A ramp if arriving out of hours. Always found the staff there charming and helpful. Not sure if they still have the issue with the fuel bowser for 100 LL, – when I was there a few ago they were notamed as no Avgas but said if they could get the truck started they’d happily fill me up. So nice people. Honfleur is just down the road and very lovely. Nice part of France.

If only I’d known that….
EGSH. Norwich. , United Kingdom

aware – it took me 75 min to fly here, but already 90m waiting for a taxi. Book in advance! I’m so naive.

You are not naive. Almost nobody pre books a taxi in GA, due to the ETA variation. You just had bad luck. I once waited 3hrs at Bastia for someone to do fuel and then paid 150 for a 20 min taxi 🤣

This is why LFAT is popular. Everything just works. None of the 48hr PN BS and you can walk or get a bike for peanuts.

Deauville is pretty though.

How can you let yourself out if you need police check? They will get massively cheesed off. Someone did that at La Rochelle and got that. That used to work there until someone probably read about it here and kicked up a stink in France.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I was flying in from Italy. If you need a police check then obviously the blue gate is not for you …

If only I’d known that….
EGSH. Norwich. , United Kingdom

There is a gate at Quimper just ask ATS for the code. No use to those needing C+I though.

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