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Glenforsa airstrip now operated by the hotel

Good news: as of today, Brendan and Allison Walsh (Glenforsa hotel) have taken over the operation of Glenforsa airfield, one of the most beautiful ones in Europe.

No more silly PPR procedures via Oban airfield (with the famous runway inspection every morning).

Just ring the hotel number for PPR. Landing fees have also been reduced.

Details here

Last Edited by boscomantico at 02 Apr 16:52
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Special Branch (Mandatory 24hr notice for arrival from Ireland, IOM, and non-EEC (12Hr dispensation from the Channel Islands).

Why do they publish this crap? It’s 12 hours notice from Ireland, & IOM.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Great news, but reading the website seems to imply that PPR is still required from Oban rather than the hotel?

Egnm, United Kingdom

No. The telephone number given is the hotel number.

Futher down, there is a note saying that if you need fuel you are advised to go to Oban and then you will obviously need PPR from Oban.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany


they have corrected the website.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Indeed. I wrote to them pointing out the error. They corrected it the next day.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

I guess that when it eventually gets sold, that might pose a certain risk to the future of the airstrip.

What if the future owners don’t want to operate it and the council does not find another workable solution for the operation of it? After all, it has always been my subjective impression that the share of “fly-in hotel guests” was rather small, and less and less in recent years…

Is the airfield actually still used for ambulance flights, other than helis (for which another pad could potentially be set up elsewhere)?

Anyway, I guess that the sale might take a while, at that price.

Personally, I think the sale had to come sooner or later. I am not aware that their kids (I assume they have kids) have worked at the hotel. Also, the way they have extended the hotel and bar capacity over the last few years clearly showed that they wanted to maximize the value of the property, to then sell it (a few notes here)

Last Edited by boscomantico at 18 Aug 13:29
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Interesting and I guess probability is high we loose this magnificent flying destination. Finding somebody willing and capable to do Hotel is a challenge anyways, but in combination with an airfield, highly unlikely I’d say. Maybe one of the leftover aviation enthusiast on the rim of retirement may have an interest for the last 10 years of work life? Has anybody ever tried running a business on such small scale as tis property, is it even doable without putting money into it?


Been there a few times, and thoroughly enjoyed the place.
As wifey told me a couple of hours ago, wind the clock back 20 years or so, and we’d buy the place

Still, hoping for another visit following, or before, that Grass Roots fly-in in September

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland
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