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EDDC+LOWG or EPPO+LZIB for Fuel and food stops

Hey all forumites,

On Friday we’re heading south towards Croatia, weather permitting. Our primary option is to go through the alps from Salzburg→Portoroz VFR, but only if wx permitting. Thus, we’re looking at alternative routes to Portoroz.

Route 1 would be Sweden to Portoroz via EDDC Dresden, then LOWG Graz before Portoroz.
Route 2 is via EPPO Poznan and LZIB Bratislava on our way to Portoroz (a bit longer).

Any experiences here on either of them? I suppose that both routes offers a restaurant on one of the stops?
Unfortunately our endurance doesn’t allow a single stop. We’re flying a C172 IFR.

Thanks all!


Last Edited by martin-esmi at 12 Jul 07:51

LZIB used to be expensive when it comes to landing fees, Graz was somehow reasonable. Not sure about fuel pricing. What about stopping at LOLW Wels – north of Alp and may be a bit closer to EDDC but LOLW is easygoing GA only airport. Restaurant on site. LOAV Voslau in vienna area might be another option, not sure about food there.


You may look into LHFM Fertőszentmiklós or LHSM Sármellék/Balaton as well.

Hajdúszoboszló LHHO

Thanks for the suggestions both!

Being in EPPO right now (IR revalidation and recurrent training) I can add that there are no restaurants on the airport. A ride into the beautiful old town would be almost 30 min, so not recommended if just stopping over.

The closest restaurant is in the Comm hotel across the street from the airport. I’ve eaten there once. It was ok but nothing to change your routing for, and the service was by no means quick; so if you’re in a bit of a hurry it might rather be stressful. Also outside of lunch/dinner hours you probably won’t get anything to eat there. Other than that why not; this is not meant to be discouraging you. :)

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