There is a Donate button on each page of the forum. I should have mentioned that… bad marketing
Done my bit . . . Peter
This worked rather well – many thanks all
hope you get what you need; just did my bit too…..
Yes indeed; donations have been really amazing. Some big ones too. Thank you all!
It is time to do a new appeal for donations
An email has just gone out to everyone who has authorised receiving them in their profile.
There is a Paypal button on every page and there is an IBAN option for those who prefer that.
Done :) Thanks for running the forum!
I just stuck a few USD in the jar.
Me too
Ditto. I have no idea what it costs to run a website like this and so don’t know whether I’ve been stingy or generous. I trust you will let us know if you’re getting out of pocket. I would welcome a ‘suggested donation’ figure.