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Russian invasion of Ukraine

We have some special rules for this thread, in addition to the normal EuroGA Guidelines. The basic one is that EuroGA will not be a platform for pro Russian material. For that, there are many sites on the internet. No anti Western posts. Most of us live in the "West" and enjoy the democratic and material benefits. Non-complying posts will be deleted and, if the poster is a new arrival, he will be banned.

I understand that we should do whatever is possible to keep peace as much as possible, but even this hasn’t been done (at my feelings). The main resentment I may have as a decider would be “did we do all that was possible in time to prevent this?”, Of course, what’s been done in the past wasn’t sufficient, but we can still prevent this conflict to not explode in a WW, and that is by confronting Putin either in a strong diplomatic effort, but you can’t negociate if you don’t have assets in your game, and today we have nothing but cutting the $$ that is currently feeding the war on russian side (estimated net 100Meuro per days inside the Russian state pockets).

This is also by showing that we could also win the war by showing off. is sending some old (servicable) migs? Currently we are just shy of doing anything because we are afraid of the consequences, but this point has already happened when putin invaded the Ukraine.

Even this morning enedis resposible in France (the main french home gas supplier) said that “if we cut the gas, next winter will be impossible”, but actually once the Russia will have ukraine, he will dictate gas price to refill his pocket, and invade again 4 years later. Total russia installation account for 20% of its income, what do they say? Nothing for the moment. They are just choosing the money because their interet is not the democraty and freedom…

Malian and centrafrics republics new presidents did the same and France military were kicked out, letting the place to the russian Wagner militia, that is raping woman and killing journalist… Feeding russia state by mining gold and earth ressources “encore”. We shouldn’t let that happen.

And we will let him do (or his successor)… like Germany let do in the lates 30’s.

Last Edited by greg_mp at 07 Mar 11:31
LFMD, France

Is the war in Ukraine the beginning of the United Nations of Europe?

What I do embrace in all the bad situation is that that what’s happening (the war which shall not be named so, oh shit I said war…) gives us all a mirror to see, that we share far more ideas in common than what maybe still stands in between our nations.


France left Mali because the Malian people didn’t want French troop there. They preferred to pay Russian mercenaries. Well that was up to them, and the French government has respected those wishes. That is totally different from being thrown out.
I wouldn’t disagree with you about cutting oil and gas imports from Russia. As long as we are all aware that we will suffer.
Sadly over the years France has had a policy brought about by public protest of not building many new nuclear power plants and expecting renewables to fill the gap. It is now being seen as a big mistake which is one reason why there is a push for a new programme of nuclear power plant building.
Let’s face it the EU has brought countries together to support things they can agree about rather than concentrating on things we disagree about or about past disagreements.
It has demonstrated that peace and trade are much more profitable than war. Perhaps we have become too complacent in thinking that the days of the despot were gone.
But of course over recent years we have discovered we were wrong. The rise of moronic, illogical, power hungry despots began a few years ago and we didn’t react fast enough to counter this movement.
Who would have thought that a Russian leader would rather spend huge sums to attack Ukraine rather than using that money keeping friendly relations with the country and it’s people. Russia would then have had a supporter in the UN, it would have kept it’s good relationship with Germany and through them an economic bridge with Europe, and there would have been no necessity for Ukraine to join NATO and even if it did, they would have had another friend inside NATO, joining Turkey. Turkey have come to the fore since their plane shot down a Russian plane over Syria. They have said yes we will disagree on things but we will remain friends.

Last Edited by gallois at 07 Mar 12:47

Actually they are taking the direction, as we are now all in the same basket.

More heavy metal over Brasov in Romania at the moment, 2 B52s, 1 RC135W (electronic warfare) and the casual 2 stratotanker… US don’t say anything but shows muscles.

gallois wrote:

France left Mali because the Malian people didn’t want French troop there.

You should have a look at the France5 documentary about Wagner forces (in france 5 replays). Actually It’s Wagner militia that came first at the initiative of a new elected president, and it’s been elected after a big communication campaign orchestrated by russian communication brains that also brought Trumps to the Us election, using social media and fake news. I have in mind that’s a french documentary, so obviously with a bit of partiallity, but they mainly uses Russian sources.

Last Edited by greg_mp at 07 Mar 12:55
LFMD, France

greg_mp wrote:

More heavy metal over Brasov in Romania

Soon we may read in Russian Press: “Americans throwing bombs on Romanian cities! Here’s the proof!”…..


Found this leaked report from a whistleblower of russian intelligence service FSB. It says that the FSB was not involved in preparation of this, eh, conflict, and that at the moment contact is lost to several divisions of the russian army, e.g. more than 10.000 soldiers which cannot be reached any more. It also states that there was no hope in winning this, eh, conflict.

As always: there is no proof whatsoever whether the information provided is true or not. It may be an Ukrainian attempt of disinformation, who knows.

Anybody knows if there’s some truth to it? It makes me hope that the “war without name” could end soon.

Last Edited by UdoR at 07 Mar 15:56

Would be nice if someone would post the Times article (paywalled) and/or a translation of the Russian (painful to do with Google 5000 words at a time).

Very interesting read though.

LFMD, France

very basic on but still working. english:
18+ One of the insiders from the special services of the Russian Federation, I will publish without edits and censorship, because this is hell: "Just to be honest: I almost did not sleep all these days, almost all the time at work, in my head slightly floating, as in a fog. And from overwork, sometimes I catch a state as if it’s all not real.
To be honest, Pandora’s box is open – by the summer there will be a real horror of a global scale – global famine is inevitable (Russia and Ukraine were the main suppliers of grain in the world, this year the harvest will be smaller, and logistical problems will bring the catastrophe to a peak point).
I can’t tell you what motivated the people at the top when deciding on the operation, but now we (the Service) are methodically lowering all the dogs. We’re being scolded for analytics – that’s very much in my profile, so I’ll explain what’s wrong.
Recently, we have been increasingly pressed to adjust reports to the requirements of management – I once touched on this topic. All these political consultants, politicians and their retinue, influence teams – all this created chaos. Strong.
The most important thing is that no one knew that there would be such a war, it was hidden from everyone. And here’s an example: You’re asked (conditionally) to calculate the possibility of human rights protection in different conditions, including the attack on prisons with meteorites. You specify about meteorites, you are told – this is so, reinsurance for calculations, nothing like this will happen. You understand that the report will be only for show, but you need to write in a victorious style, so that there are no questions, like, why do you have so many problems, did you work badly. In general, a report is written that when a meteorite falls, we have everything to eliminate the consequences, we are great, everything is fine. And you concentrate on the tasks that are real – we already do not have enough strength. And then suddenly they really throw meteorites and expect that everything will be according to your analytics, which was written from the baldy.
That’s why we have total pis_ets – I don’t even want to pick up another word. There is no protection from sanctions for the same reason: well, Nabiullina may well be sewn negligence (rather, to the switchmen from her team), but what are they guilty of? No one knew that there would be such a war, so no one was preparing for such sanctions. This is the flip side of secrecy: since no one was told, then who could calculate what no one told?
Kadyrov flies off the rails. Also, the conflict almost began with us: perhaps even the Ukrainians threw a disposition that it was we who handed over the routes of Kadyrov’s special forces in the first days of the operation. They were covered there on the march in the most terrible way, they had not yet begun to fight, and they were simply being watched in some places. And off we went: it was the FSB that leaked the routes to the Ukrainians. I do not have such information, I will leave 1-2% for reliability (it is also impossible to exclude at all).
The blitz-krieg failed. It is simply impossible to fulfill the task now: if in the first 1-3 days They captured Zelensky and representatives of the authorities, seized all the key buildings in Kiev, gave them the order to surrender -

18+ L’un des initiés des services spéciaux de la Fédération de Russie, je publierai sans éditions ni censure, car c’est l’enfer: « Juste pour être honnête: je n’ai presque pas dormi tous ces jours, presque tout le temps au travail, dans ma tête légèrement flottante, comme dans un brouillard. Et à cause du surmenage, j’attrape parfois un état comme si tout n’était pas réel.
Pour être honnête, la boîte de Pandore est ouverte – d’ici l’été, il y aura une véritable horreur à l’échelle mondiale – la famine mondiale est inévitable (la Russie et l’Ukraine étaient les principaux fournisseurs de céréales dans le monde, cette année, la récolte sera plus petite et les problèmes logistiques amèneront la catastrophe à un point culminant).
Je ne peux pas vous dire ce qui a motivé les gens au sommet lorsqu’ils ont décidé de l’opération, mais maintenant nous (le Service) abaissons méthodiquement tous les chiens. Nous sommes réprimandés pour des analyses – c’est très dans mon profil, alors je vais expliquer ce qui ne va pas.
Récemment, nous avons été de plus en plus pressés d’adapter les rapports aux exigences de la direction – j’ai déjà abordé ce sujet. Tous ces consultants politiques, ces politiciens et leur suite, influencent les équipes – tout cela a créé le chaos. Fort.
Le plus important, c’est que personne ne savait qu’il y aurait une telle guerre, elle était cachée à tout le monde. Et voici un exemple: on vous demande (conditionnellement) de calculer la possibilité de protection des droits de l’homme dans différentes conditions, y compris l’attaque de prisons avec des météorites. Vous spécifiez à propos des météorites, vous dit-on – c’est ainsi, la réassurance pour les calculs, rien de tel ne se produira. Vous comprenez que le rapport ne sera que pour le spectacle, mais vous devez écrire dans un style victorieux, afin qu’il n’y ait pas de questions, comme, pourquoi avez-vous tant de problèmes, avez-vous mal travaillé. En général, un rapport est écrit que lorsqu’une météorite tombe, nous avons tout pour éliminer les conséquences, nous sommes grands, tout va bien. Et vous vous concentrez sur les tâches qui sont réelles – nous n’avons déjà pas assez de force. Et puis soudain, ils lancent vraiment des météorites et s’attendent à ce que tout soit conforme à vos analyses, qui ont été écrites à partir du chauve.
C’est pourquoi nous avons une pis_ets totale – je ne veux même pas prendre un autre mot. Il n’y a pas de protection contre les sanctions pour la même raison: eh bien, Nabiullina peut bien être cousue de négligence (plutôt, aux aiguilleurs de son équipe), mais de quoi sont-ils coupables? Personne ne savait qu’il y aurait une telle guerre, donc personne ne se préparait à de telles sanctions. C’est le revers de la médaille du secret : puisque personne n’a été informé, alors qui pourrait calculer ce que personne n’a dit ?
Kadyrov s’envole des rails. En outre, le conflit a presque commencé avec nous: peut-être même les Ukrainiens ont-ils décidé que c’était nous qui avions remis les routes des forces spéciales de Kadyrov dans les premiers jours de l’opération. Ils étaient couverts là-bas lors de la marche de la manière la plus terrible, ils n’avaient pas encore commencé à se battre, et ils étaient simplement surveillés à certains endroits. Et c’est parti : c’est le FSB qui a divulgué les routes aux Ukrainiens. Je n’ai pas de telles informations, je laisserai 1-2% pour la fiabilité (il est également impossible d’exclure du tout).
Le blitz-krieg a échoué. Il est tout simplement impossible de remplir la tâche maintenant: si dans les 1-3 premiers jours Ils ont capturé Zelensky et les représentants des autorités, saisi tous les bâtiments clés de Kiev, leur ont donné l’ordre de se rendre -

LFMD, France

UdoR wrote:

Found this leaked report from a whistleblower of russian intelligence service FSB.

I think we all need to be aware that the war is still going on and there is a lot of information about which the time will tell if true or not.
For me such “whistleblower insider” stories stink. We have seen plenty of this in the past weeks.
But if we just look at the numbers we are pretty sure of – the size of invasion forces is not serious if the strategic objective to capture a part or all of UA.
Hence, its pretty much possible that they are screwed up. Still – no-one really knows.

LHFM, LHTL, Hungary

robirdus wrote:

Hence, its pretty much possible that they are screwed up. Still – no-one really knows.

Yes of course, I omitted that discaimer because I thought it’s obvious in this case that there is no proof for it. However, you’re right, should have stated that.

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