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Baby wipes for windshield cleaning?

When I had the Robin, one feature was the huge amount of perspex to see out of.
The perspex wasn’t new but in exceptional condition.
It was always kept clean by me using Plexus and microfibe cloths.
No discernable degredation at all after 15-16 years.
One bit of advice I would give….do the 1st pass with bare hand.
2 benefits,
a) you’ll easily feel any nasties that would catch in a cloth and do damage, so remove them 1st.
b) you nicely spread the stuff around witj your hand allowing time for it to work on the surface rather than immediately sucking it up into a cloth.
Item b) helps me get superior results from many products on many things……aircraft cars boats around the home.
I always use a small section of a cloth to gently turning to remove the bulk of remaining product and dirt, before a new clean one is used for a good ‘buff’.
In sequence, the removing cloth is contaminated and disposed,and the ‘buffing’ cloth is downgraded to ‘removal’

United Kingdom

My supermarket has cloth made “specially for window cleaning”, it is very smooth and “flat” not like microfiber, so I use that, along with and/or


@GA_Pete wrote:

I always use a small section of a cloth to gently turning to remove the bulk of remaining product and dirt, before a new clean one is used for a good ‘buff’.

If you say ‘buff’ do you mean a circular movement? I was told years ago that one should not do that and so I never did. The idea behind it is that should there be even a tiny spec of dirt in your cloth, a circular movement would make a mark that you will clearly see against the sunlight.

The movement should be in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the fuselage so to speak, and any accidental scratch would show up less, but maybe this is an old wife’s tale? Doing this and using microfiber and Plexus or similar has served me well for almost 20 years.

Last Edited by aart at 13 Feb 08:01
Private field, Mallorca, Spain
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