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Your flight bag, and what is in it?

What if you don’t have a flight bag?

A sole owner doesn’t need the traditional one.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

To and from plane I take iPad, licence, medical and fuel cards.

EGTK Oxford

Same as Jason, plus headsets if I’m flying the Super Cub, all in a supermarket reusable carrier bag

Darley Moor, Gamston (UK)

Small and light backpack with:
- licence and medical
- fuel cards
- ipad mini
- data cards (updated at home and exchanged with the second set in the airplane)
- logbook
- second set of glasses
- keys

On myself: wallet, sunglasses, phone

Headsets, paper charts, tools etc are always in the airplane. Never again would i carry a pilot bag around with all the unnecessary and heavy stuff i did not need once in 24 years.

I just have a backpack containing:

Licence and medical
Ipad mini
Power bank (Haven’t seen this one mentioned so far? Very handy)
Paper charts
Airfield Keys
A bottle of water and a small snack
Kneeboard with checklists and spare paper for notes
At least two pens (I’ll always lose one in flight)
Sick bags (for passengers)

I’ll be upgrading to a flight bag soon so I can compartmentalise everything which will make finding items easier.

Last Edited by NinerEchoPapa at 15 Aug 16:50
EDLN/EDLF, Germany

NinerEchoPapa wrote:

Power bank (Haven’t seen this one mentioned so far? Very handy)

I mentioned it, and it is very useful, especially when some aircrafts I fly on are not equipped with a 12v socket.

I see some aircraft owners who keep the fuel cards in their flightbag, and don’t leave them in the aircraft.
Is there a reason ? Is fuel card thieft frequent ? O
Or is it for a more practical reason ?

LFBZ, France

I also forgot the power bank. My bag weighs just under 8 kg.

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

I use a backpack and always take iPhone, wallet, iPad mini with kneeboard, another kneeboard with paper and pen, airport ID, hivis vest, sunglasses, licence and medical, keys.

Always on board: headsets, journey log, aircraft documents, pee bags, wet wipes, few cans of oil, few cans of prist, life jackets.

In hangar: life raft.

I don’t have any paper charts and leave my logbook at home. Hope that’s OK :)

LPFR, Poland

Flight bag with:

Some VFR and IFR enroute charts
Protractor with ruler
Small Jepp manual binder with diverse plates and paperwork
Chart organiser
Log book
A5 kneeboard
Android tablet
RAM mount for tablet
Power bank
Cigarette plug USB charger w/ heavy duty cable
Barf bags
Seasickness pills (for pax…)
Bifocal glasses
Hi-viz vest
Airfield keys
Fuel tester

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Well this made me chortle. Just did a delivery to Netherlands and flew back with my flight bag on commercial. There was a leatherman in the front pocket (even with the clip on the outside showing). Had my bag pulled off the conveyor and searched. The only thing they wanted to see inside was the headset as it had batteries and I hadn’t taken it out separately. Ooops.

Home made Kneeboard from an A5 Ring binder (why can’t they ever sell any that are just right…?)
VFR Charts (N & S)
Mil Landing plates (red book N & S, white UK minor aerodromes and yellow bible)
Interception procedures
Fuel sampler
High Vis
Go Pro with mounts, battery and Nflight cable (this pack gets discarded if I’m not planning on recording)
USB Battery
Triple outlet USB Cable (Lightning, USB Micro and USB C) with mains adaptor
Suction mount for phone
Gel mat for dashboard (if only planes had sensible stash points for sunglasses…)
Hat (recently deceased hairline requires protection)
Spare pens
Garmin GDL 39 (this I bring occasionally from work if I’m worried about some OCAS IMC in the plan)
Logbook (do other people fly with this? I only keep it in the bag as I keep all my flight gear together)

Recently discarded the Nexus 7 I kept in there as a SD backup. Now fly with a phone that has much better battery life and the plane has a USB power socket. Also protractor, CRP-1 got recently discarded.

And all fits snugly in a motorbike tail pack I bought on Amazon.

When you write it all out it does seem ridiculous.

United Kingdom
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